One of the greatest experts in Intellectual Capital, Leif Edvinsson, says that if we only draw conclusions about a company based on its financial results and ignore its hidden values – Intellectual Capital – the company will not survive in the medium and long term.


Asinco Asesores considers that Intellectual Capital is the great wealth of Organizations and its Psychology Department specializes in the study of:

  • Human Capital: Capacities, attitudes, skills and knowledge, individual and non-transferable, that each employee brings to the company. We can consider it as an asset of the company as long as the employee keeps his motivation and attitude, and his competences and benefits updated in order to be able to contribute positively to the achievement of the company’s purpose.

The study of the Human Capital, understood as the individual knowledge of the employees, within the group that provides value (knowledge that Produces value) to the Company is the main source of wealth of the same, The evaluation of Human Capital is performed by analyzing work motivation, capabilities (intellectual functions), attitude and skills in professional practice (work behavior), social skills and psychic structure; that is, everything that an employee must contribute to the company according to the function assigned to him and considering the degree of complexity and specialization of the same.

In collaboration with associated partners we can carry out the study and evaluation of:

  • Organizational Capital: Constituted by all those elements of internal organizational type that the company implements to perform its functions in the most optimal way possible. These include databases, organizational charts, process manuals, individual property (patents, trademarks or any intangible element that may be protected by intellectual property rights) and all those things whose value to the company is greater than their material value.
  • Relational Capital: This refers to the potential customers to whom a company’s product is directed, its fixed customers (customer portfolio, established lists, etc.), and in the company-customer relationship (agreements, alliances, etc.); and also to the processes of organization, production and marketing of the product (strategies for achievement).

Objective evaluation of professional performance

Through the elaboration of personalized, qualitative/quantitative protocols to assess the attitude, motivation, involvement, proactivity, creativity… of your company’s employees.